Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tough girl

I often think you're tougher than I am.
People say I'm so strong and courageous. They say that all the time. And it means something.
But I'm fond of thinking that if I had an ounce of strength or courage I would have stayed where I was and done what was expected of me and been miserable all my life. Lots of people do that. I finally didn't have the strength.
So, are you tougher than I am or am I just weaker than you?
Not that I would mind either one of those. I just want to know.
Maybe I would be strong and courageous (or not) anyway, never mind the circumstances. But nobody ever told me that I was strong, or that I had courage before I started living my life as a female almost three years ago.
It's just another one of those things that seems to separate me. I mean yeah, it's a compliment. And I know I'm conducting a master class in gender studies here. But the last thing I want to feel is separated.
Strength and courage are probably some things that should be assigned a lot more to a lot more people. Then I might feel good about it being assigned to me.


Sunday, March 22, 2009


Oh, not another one!
And please don't say you want me to write about it.
Uh, how am I doing so far?
I feel like I'm writing a ghost. Is it me? And I wonder why some of the things I say are of such interest to people. And why is writing so revered when most people don't read? And what becomes of my words when they are read? Do words have a destiny, a spirit? Do they create? Do they age? Are my words really any different than yours?
Well. We'll see.
